Güncelleme Tarihi: 28 April 2022

Visitors: 146

Visit from Şehit Süleyman Bey Primary School students to our Faculty of Medicine with the project "INVIT FROM YOUR DREAMS" within the scope of BIGEP

Şehit Süleyman Bey primary school students,  who wants to become a doctor in the future, visited our medical faculty.Dean Prof. Dr. Nureddin CENGİZ, the students were introduced to the faculty of medicine, and the Assistant Deans Assoc. Aykut Baser and Dr. Member Engin AYDIN Faculty Secretary Mahmut EVLİCE, Dr. Lecturer Pelin TOROS , and Research asisstant Eda Nur DÖNMEZ accompanied him. Our teachers, who introduced the students' questions and their professions, wished the students well.